Personal protective equipment otherwise know as PPE, consists of a range of clothing and safety gear items. These range from protective outfits or uniforms to hard hats and helmets, eye wear like goggles and other clothing items or equipment. Designed to protect the users body and limbs, from possible injury or infection which may be caused by prolonged exposure to certain items.
Protective equipment can address several hazards caused by physical, electrical, heat, chemicals and airborne matter like grinding dust etc. Protective equipment can be worn for both occupational safety and health purposes.
Personal protective equipment is there to reduce employee exposure to hazards. It is needed when there is the possibility of hazards. However many of the items can cause a barrier between the user and their working ability. This can in some circumstances cause various levels of discomfort and create additional strain on the user. Any of these can discourage users from using protective clothing correctly which in turn places them at risk of injury and or health issues later on in life.
For this reason it is crucial to select the correct equipment. Good design can help to minimize these issues and can help to ensure safe and healthy working conditions.

We stock various sizes of fire extinguishers as well as fire buckets.

Nothing more needs to be said. Choosing the correct type of glove for the job and correct size will help to keep those hands safe.

Keep your head safe on site or when working around the garden. We have hard hats in several different colours.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) can be used to protect people against health and safety risks.
A few examples are: Eye protection, Gloves, Harnesses, Hearing protection, High-visibility clothing, Protective clothing, Safety footwear and Safety helmets. Employers are required to provide personal protective equipment in the workplace.